The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:
City of Burns to Conroy Miller, QCD; Lots 74, 75, and 76, Range 4, Original Town, St. Francis City, commonly called Burns.
Vernon A. Strotkamp and wife to Shirley A. Strotkamp, WD; Lots 1 through 24, Blk. 8, Werry and Strotkamp's Addition, St. Francis City, commonly known as Burns.
Darci L. Walker and husband to Larry E. Beck and wife, WD; N/2 Lot 15 and all Lot 16, Blk. 35, Southern Addition, Marion.
Kris K. Teaford and wife to Tammy J. Hartley et al, WD; pt. SE/4 SE/4 SW/4, 30-21-3.
Ralph D. Richmond and wife to Joyce M. Richmond, QCD; E/2 NE/4, 25-19-3 exc. und. 1 percent interest.
Quentin Leon Youk trustee to Dennis Youk and wife, Transfer Deed; pt. N/2 SW/4 and pt. S/2 SW/4, 16-18-2; pt. NE/4, 17-18-2; und. 1/2 interest.
Sandra Unick and husband to Richard D. Fritz and wife, QCD; pt. NW/4, 26-22-4.
City of Marion to Seacat Hardware Inc., WD; Lots 9 and 16, Harris Heights Addition, Marion.