
The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:

Frank A. Williams to Marcia L. Seaton et al, Transfer on Death Warranty Deed; Lot 15 less S 30' and all Lot 14 and S 10' Lot 13, Blk. 7, Beebes Addition, Hillsboro.

Jay W. Christensen and wife to Andrew A. Hansen and wife, WD; pt. NW/4 SW/4, 1-20-3.

Andrew Hansen and wife to Jay W. Christensen and wife, WD; pt. Lots 12 and 13, Blk. 1, Eastmoor Development, Marion.

Patricia D. Socolofsky and husband to Patricia D. Socolofsky trustee, QCD; NE/4 SE/4 and S/2 SE/4, 22-19-3; pt. NW/4 SE/4, 22-19-3.

Linda S. LeShure and husband to Linda S. Church and husband, WD; pt. Blk. 31, Southern Addition, Marion.

Steven R. Flaming and wife to Gerald W. Funk and wife, WD; pt. SW/4 SE/4, 33-19-2.

Debra Ann Smith and husband to Galen L. Miller and wife, WD; N/2 SW/4, 12-21-1; SE/4 SW/4, 12-21-1; NW/4 SE/4, 12-21-1.

Kevin E. Krch and wife to Sylvia M. Bailey trust, WD; pt. Blk. 30, Plat A, Lincolnville.

Adam H. Wathen and wife to Douglas B. Miller et al, WD; Lots 6, 7, and 8, Blk. 1, Kliewer's Addition, Hillsboro.

Reign Anduss and wife to Brian W. Lewis and wife, QCD; Lots 26, 27, and 28, Blk. 5, Original Town, Ramona.

Wun Shou Kuo and wife to Charles Hui Yang, WD; Lot 5 exc. E 165', Blk. 1, County Clerk's Third Hillsboro Plat, Hillsboro.
