DAYS OF YORE: 40 years ago
(From the August 9, 1962, files of the Peabody Gazette-Herald)
Mrs. Vernon Slocombe and Mrs. Warren Slocombe spent last Tuesday in Manhattan at the Ed Slocombe and Bill Sears homes. They brought the Ed Slocombes' little daughter, Lynn, home with them to spend several days while her mother is in the hospital.
Harriet and Loretta Scrivner and Betty O'Bleness of Ashland, who are attending second session summer school at Emporia, will be spending this weekend in Peabody.
Brock Baker and Gales Graham arrived home last Wednesday from a week's visit with Brock's sister, Mrs. Joe Fife and family at Oakland, Calif., and Mrs. Lou Temple and family at Denver, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Jones, Mike and Lynn, Mrs. Jesse Seibel and Nellie Lou, Mrs. Harry Propp of Ft. Myers, Fla., and Geneva Sledd of Emporia spent Saturday rock hunting in Cowley County.