DAYS OF YORE: 35 years ago

(From the April 20, 1967, files of the Peabody Gazette-Herald)

The Peabody Gazette-Herald takes on a new look and size. Because of several things — the Gazette-Herald folks decided to change from "letter press" type of printing to "offset" printing of the newspaper. The G-H hopes to have an open house later in the spring to show folks how it's done these days.

Stan Hansen, formerly associated with Blanton and Cole Architects and Engineers in Tucson, Ariz., has accepted a position as associate and designer with the Salina firm of Mix Bishop, Architect. Stan graduated from Peabody High School in the class of 1955 and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy C. Hansen of Peabody.

Peabody Senior Citizens met for a covered dish luncheon on April 11 in the club room. Election of officers was held with Margaret Kieler elected president; Wm. Uhlman, vice president; Edith Gibbs, secretary; and George Becker, treasurer.
