Days of Yore
10 years ago
december 4, 1997
Hazel McClave will celebrate her 100th birthday with an open house at Peabody Community Living Center Dec. 13 from 2 to 4 p.m. Hazel would appreciate cards and visits.
Saturday evening dinner guests of Mrs. Willard Jewell at the Kingfisher Inn were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Powell and Dustin of Divide, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Warkentine, and Mr. and Mrs. Darren Weems.
Edna Schill spent Thanksgiving Day with her son, Ronald and family in Leon.
25 years ago
november 18, 1982
Paul E. Baker Jr., a native of Peabody, has been named vice president of a new Texaco division, Texaco Middle East/Far East. Baker graduated from Tulane University in 1947 with a degree in business administration.
Jack Sebree remains in Wesley Hospital in Wichita this week as he has for several weeks now.
The Rev. Giles Stagner of Wichita, former pastor of Peabody First Methodist Church, died last Tuesday, Nov. 9, at age 57.
50 years ago
november 14, 1957
Jack Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Fisher of Peabody, has been named manager of the Barber County Index at Medicine Lodge. Fisher, a former employee of the Gazette-Herald, is a graduate of the William Allen White School of Journalism at Kansas University.
Mrs. Ralph Gard returned home Sunday night from Laramie, Wyo., where she spent the past week visiting Mr. and Mrs. C.D. Hadgell. While there she attended an art exhibit in which Mrs. Hadgell had five oil paintings entered. One of the paintings was sold. Mrs. Hadgell will be remembered as the former Evelyn Owen, a former resident of Peabody.
100 years ago
november 21, 1907
L.L. Beck gave his daughter, Mrs. Anna Horst, a present of a new heating stove.
Horner school has a new organ. It was installed Tuesday.
There was a dinner party at the home of Wilbur Gibbs in honor of the birthday anniversaries of the hostess and her uncle, Charles Marsh, who always celebrate their birthdays together. The others present were Mrs. Marsh and children, D.H. Westfried and family, M.H. Dawson and Miss Elsie Craney.
John Regier and son, Dr. Wm. Regier, were up from Elbing Tuesday last week doing some trading.
125 years ago
november 30, 1882
Two dogs, one belonging to Judge Holcomb and the other to Ed Hanna, went out Friday night on a sheep expedition and succeeded in killing 15 sheep owned by Messrs. Mayes and Westbrook. Among the sheep killed were three valuable bucks, one owned by Mr. Westbrook being valued at $50 and two for Mayes valued at $20 each. The dogs were caught in the act and followed to their respective houses and identified beyond any possibility of a doubt. The owners of the canines have settled the bill and taken care of the dogs.
Thos. Revison was in from the sheep ranch Tuesday.
A social hop is to be held at Winfield Knight's south of town this (Wed.) evening.