Days of Yore
10 years ago
may 28, 1998
Peabody police report Andy Jacobs was injured in a lawn mower accident May 20. Jacobs was mowing in the city park when he apparently stopped to move materials out of the road. The blade caught the heel of his shoe and severe damage was received to his heel and leg.
Jandee Post was recently featured in the outdoor spotlight of the Hutchinson News for the big gobbler she shot in the past hunting season.
Mark Levering portrayed Civil War veteran Robert Morrison who served in Company E, 2nd Illinois Mounted Infantry, as a part of the historical society's re-enactment this Memorial Day at Prairie Lawn Cemetery.
25 years ago
april 21, 1983
Steve Tonn, Graham County extension agent, has been hired to serve as the Marion County extension agent, effective April 18.
Superintendent John Glover and central office secretaries Muriel Wolfersperger and Vickie Cook will be in Wichita today to attend sessions of the Kansas Association of School Business Officials.
Senior citizens of Peabody enjoyed a "Hats Galore" exhibit and program Thursday. Mrs. Dean Siegfried directed the hats portion and led off with a vocal solo, "Where Did You Get That Hat?"
50 years ago
april 17, 1958
C.M. Nusbaum died Monday morning at age 87. He had been a leading businessman in Peabody and a civic leader for many years, although inactive for the past few years.
The chest X-ray unit visit here Monday was pretty much a flop through a breakdown in equipment. Only a few persons had their chests X-rayed before the machine developed trouble.
100 years ago
april 16, 1908
Pansies, verbenas, and coleus 5c each, 50c per dozen. Gowen's Greenhouse.
George Swartz donated a dozen trees to the park last week.
W.H. Morgan is expected home from a trip to the Pecos Valley this week.
Lela Hamilton was quite sick with tonsillitis last week and Martha Hamilton with the grippe.
125 years ago
april 19, 1883
Mr. E.A. Know has purchased the barber shop here and he and his brother will run the institution hereafter.
Dr. Henry Shomber has decided to locate here and has bought the residence property of J. Hudson Morse.
There was no school in Prof. Knowles' room Tuesday afternoon. Several of the scholars attended the funeral of Harry Pinckney. (Col. Pinckney and his son, Harry, were longtime residents of Peabody and the young man was a law graduate of the school at Lawrence.)