Days of Yore

10 years ago

march 3, 1998

Janet Post was selected role model of the month for youth by the Chronic Disease Control Reduction Coalition of Marion County Health Dept.

The family of Mary Olson gathered at her home in Marion to help celebrate her birthday, Sunday, March 1.

Max and Leslie Cooper of Shawnee are pleased to announce the birth of their first son, Matthew Lowell. Grandparents from Peabody are the late Alice and Lowell Cooper.

25 years ago

february 24, 1983

Lucille Carson, popular Peabody High School senior basketball star, was crowned Queen of Courts last Friday night at the Hesston-Peabody basketball game.

The Kansas Bluegrass Association is presenting a concert Saturday Feb 26 at Hutchinson. Bands featured include Bluegrass Alive of which Ray Cook of Peabody is a member.

Mrs. N.R. Stockebrand, assisted by Mrs. T.J. Craig, served a delicious luncheon to 13 members of History Club on Friday, Feb. 18.

50 years ago

february 20, 1958

Two Wichita men were killed Sunday afternoon in a pasture north of Walton when their small plane crashed while they were hunting coyotes.

Harold Keller Jr. of Salina visited his grandmother, Mrs. W.B. Keller over the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Astle of Newton were Sunday evening guests in the Ted Craig home.

100 years ago

february 27, 1908

Frank Eyestone and wife entertained a number of young people at a party Tuesday evening.

Carl Schroeder is home from Colorado.

E.A. Kern and wife entertained W.A. Stephenson and wife and E.A. Walden and wife at a three-course supper Friday evening.

125 years ago

february 22, 1883

After the soldier's parade this Thursday morning the speeches will be made at the Presbyterian church. The public is invited.

For sale: 450 bushes #1 seed oats (red variety) weighing 35 lbs. to the bushel. Inquire of Jas. Beeton at the Grinnell farm, 2 miles east of Peabody.
