Ammeter news
Contributing writer
Nov. 15-21
Ladies Aid met Wednesday afternoon at LaVonne's. Dorene, Sherry, and Maude attended. Carolyn Holm of Wichita arrived to spend the afternoon and overnight.
Thursday morning LaVonne and Carolyn headed for Great Bend to visit at the Morgans and see the new little boy, Cory Lee and visited Amber, Cory, Alexis, and Adria. Rebecca Holm, Amber's mom of El Dorado, also was there. We did some shopping and played with the kids. Carolyn and LaVonne went to Ellinwood later in the evening to spend the night with Blaine and Carol Ammeter. Alan and Virginia Fullbright came to visit with Lavonne and Carolyn.
Friday morning, LaVonne and Carolyn went back to Great Bend and spent the day with the Morgans. They arrived back at the Ammeter farm home late Friday evening and Carolyn went home to Wichita.
Maude Gaines and LaVonne were in Peabody Saturday afternoon. Late in the afternoon, Melody and Steve Magette of Dodge City and Emily and Kevin Haxton and Avery of Ellsworth arrived at the Ammeter farm to spend the night and Sunday. Stan Ammeter joined the group for supper.
Kevin, Emily, and Avery left Sunday morning for their home. Oh, how we enjoyed them, especially great-grandson Avery. Such a busy little boy! Dinner guests were Melody, Steve, and Stan. Melody and Steve left for Dodge City late in the afternoon.
Maude and LaVonne attended the annual Hutchinson district cluster church conference at Eastmoor United Methodist Church, Marion, late Sunday afternoon.
LaVonne was in Marion Monday for a dental appointment. I visited Maude Gaines in the afternoon.