Ammeter news
Contributing writer
LaVonne picked up Maudie Gaines Wednesday afternoon and we went to Marion for doctors' appointments and back to Peabody for groceries and medicine.
Maudie and LaVonne went to Florence Thursday afternoon for hair appointments.
Stan Ammeter was a Thursday evening supper guest of LaVonne's.
LaVonne visited Aunt Nonie Widler and Emma Shaw Friday afternoon at Legacy Park.
Don Gillet visited Saturday with LaVonne.
We had church Sunday at Summit. Donna Frisen filled in for Pastor Dave. She had a great message.
Marie Clark visited Maude Gaines Sunday afternoon.
I went to Jessie Bayes' funeral Monday afternoon. A real lovely service. Was glad it didn't rain. I helped the Whitewater Center ladies serve cake and cookies after the funeral. Jessie will surely be missed. Our sympathy to all the family.
Dorene Kirkpatrick visited her mother, Leona Widler Tuesday morning at Legacy Park.
LaVonne and Dorene went to El Dorado late Tuesday morning. They ate lunch and LaVonne had an eye appointment, then they went shopping.
How about that thunderstorm Sunday evening? Wicked lightning and about four inches of rain and it really got cool.