Ammeter news


Contributing writer

Myron and Sally Ammeter of Grand Island, Neb., Opal Craney, and LaVonne Ammeter attended Glen Nellan's funeral Wednesday morning. They joined the family for dinner at the Baptist church.

Ladies Aid met Wednesday afternoon at LaVonne's. Maude, Dorene, and Sherry came to quilt. Sandi Fritz joined them later in the afternoon.

Stan Ammeter was a Wednesday evening supper guest.

I took the birthday cake to Legacy Park Thursday morning. Stan and LaVonne took out for Dodge City in the afternoon so I could go to Steve and Melody Magette's. Stan came back home.

Steve, Melody, and LaVonne headed for Colorado Springs Friday afternoon to spend the weekend with granddaughter and grandson, Amanda and Bryan Kantack, Bethany and Reagan. Had never seen Reagan. They are both very precious. On the way we stopped at Rocky Ford and bought some delicious produce.

Saturday afternoon we went shopping and took Bethany to get her hair cut at a strictly kids' beauty salon. Real cool place! Sunday morning we went to St. Patrick's church. Really a beautiful church and so many people. I spent the afternoon playing in the sandbox and playing zingo. Later in the afternoon we went out to eat. Spent the evening taking pictures and playing with grandkids. A real great day.

Steve, Melody, and I loaded up and headed for Kansas Monday. Wow! Sure is a long drive down I-70 to the Ammeter farm. Ate late lunch in Salina. The Magettes went on to Dodge City. Such a great weekend and so much fun but this grandma was tired.

Maude and LaVonne went to Peabody Friday. Talked in the evening to all the kids and Bobbie Wilson in Oklahoma.

We extend our deepest sympathy. Say a prayer to the Nellans, Carson, and Rosine families. They will sure be missed.

Blaine and Carol Ammeter of Ellinwood spent the weekend at the Ammeter farm and visiting Dan and Marjorie Gfeller and Stan Ammeter.

Hope you have a good week and don't forget to pray for rain.
