Ammeter news
Contributing writer
June 27-July 3
Maude Gaines and LaVonne were in Marion Wednesday morning for doctors' appointments. They ate at the Chuck Wagon in Florence on the way home.
Ladies Aid met at LaVonne's Wednesday afternoon. Sherry and Dorene attended. Sandi Fritz was a guest.
Joey and Charlene Gibson of Newton called LaVonne one evening this past week. It was great to hear from them.
LaVonne met Carolyn Metz Thursday morning in Newton and they left for Davenport and Chandler, Okla. It rained on us all the way. We arrived at Bobbie Ann Wilson's at Davenport late in the afternoon. It was a cousins' overnight visit. Sue Rackley joined us for supper and overnight. Friday was spent visiting and going to Chandler. We left late in the afternoon and drove in the rain all the way to Oklahoma City. From there we drove in blinding, pouring-down rain. We ate lunch at Guthrie, Okla., and then drove all the way in that rain to the Kansas line. We arrived at Wichita early that evening.
Jack and Carolyn Metz and LaVonne went out for supper and Carolyn brought me home early the next morning and we went to Newton to get my car. It really was a good visit despite the weather.
Blaine and Carol Ammeter of Ellinwood arrived at the Ammeter farm late Saturday evening. They had been at Marge and Don Gfeller's. Stan joined them and they were overnight and Sunday guests. Faye and Gorman Fredrickson came in the afternoon to visit and we had homemade ice cream.
LaVonne visited Maude Gaines Sunday afternoon.
Dorene Kirkpatrick and LaVonne were in Marion Monday afternoon.
Maude and I went to Marion Tuesday morning for doctors' appointments. We ate at The Big Scoop.
Hope you all had a great 4th of July and a good week.
Our sympathy and prayers to the Jewell and Entz families in the loss of their loved ones.