Ammeter news


Contributing writer

LaVonne gave a cake decorating demonstration Thursday afternoon at Legacy Park. So much fun! The cake was for the monthly birthday party on Friday.

Michele Montgomery visited LaVonne Monday morning.

Blaine Ammeter of Ellinwood arrived Monday to spend the night and Tuesday. Stan joined them Tuesday for dinner.

Blaine and LaVonne went to Marion in the afternoon to shop.

Sherry Nightengale, Maude Gaines, Dorene Kirkpatrick, and Leona Widler attended Ladies Aid Wednesday afternoon at LaVonne's.

Friday Dorene Kirkpatrick, Maude Gaines, and LaVonne went to Marion for business, shopping, and lunch.

Maude and LaVonne visited Ike Clark Friday afternoon at the nursing home in Whitewater. They report Ike is doing well. Joyce Barker of Wichita and Marie Clark also visited Ike.

Don Gillet visited LaVonne Friday afternoon and Saturday evening.

Gary Davis of Newton visited LaVonne Sunday morning and we had church at Summit. Pastor Linda had a good sermon as usual and Annette Weems played the piano.

After church Maude and LaVonne went to Marion to Mary Olsen's birthday dinner. Others attending were Dennis and Brenda Riggs, Jesse, Ethan, and Jordan, Dave and Cindi Gaines and Ryan, Gwen and Tony Gaines, J.D. and Mary Beth Gaines, Jarrod and Jennifer Gaines, Devon and Morgan, Marge and Fordyce Gray, and Ernie and Lou Ann Gray, all of Peabody; Jean Ann Gaines, Polly and Mark Gibbler of Newton, Sally and Jim Abel of Perry, Beth and James Riffel, Karl, Kyle, and Kara of Lincolnville, Doug and Doris Gray, Thomas and Matthew of Buhler, Louis and Loretta Gray of Great Bend, Crystal Gray of Emporia, and Paul Atkins.

Later Sunday afternoon Maude and LaVonne visited Elsie Tittle at Florence.

Bob and Becky Kyle, Brody and Braxton were Saturday dinner guests of Glen and Betty Kyle.
