Contributing writer
Dec. 13-19
he Boese family — John, Michele, Dylan, and Eric were out of electricity Tuesday evening so they came to stay with me. They stayed until Friday evening when the electricity came back.
Stan went and got Opal Craney Wednesday and she was here until Monday evening when her lights came back. Carol and Helen Logan spent all day Thursday with us. We all had a good time. Sure did look like a winter wonderland. Was glad to see the ice go and then we had snow.
Don Gillet spent Thursday afternoon with us all.
LaVonne and Michele decorated cakes for the Morgan's 50th anniversary Friday and Opal was our critic.
Sunday afternoon Opal and LaVonne went to the Morgans' 50th anniversary. Sure was a lovely celebration. Fifty years, wow!
I took Maudie to the doctor Tuesday afternoon and we came through Peabody. Everything is sure muddy and slushy.
I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year.
Last week's news
Ladies Aid met at LaVonne's Wednesday afternoon. Sherry and Dorene came.
Stan came for supper Thursday evening.
I went to the dentist in Marion Friday and did some shopping. Stopped at Maude Gaines' on the way home and visited.
We had to postpone church Sunday and our Christmas program Sunday evening. Sure is nasty weather!
Monday morning I went up to Maudie's and the ambulance came and took her to St. Luke Hospital at Marion. Talked to her Tuesday morning and she is getting along OK.
I went to Peabody Monday afternoon and drove home in the rain. Stan came for supper.
Tuesday afternoon Michele Montgomery visited LaVonne and John Boese and Dylan stopped by in the afternoon. Stan also came by.
We extend sympathy and prayers to Betty Sebree and the Watts in the loss of their loved one.