

Contributing writer

Blaine and Carol Ammeter of Ellinwood arrived Saturday afternoon at the Ammeter farm. Carol went over to Don and Marjorie Gfeller's to spend the day. Stan came later and Blaine and Stan did lots of "sonny-do" jobs for me. Carol came back Saturday night and they spent the night.

Ladies Aid met Wednesday evening at LaVonne's. Sherry and Dorene attended.

Michele Boese took LaVonne to Marion Thursday and Friday for physical therapy. They did some shopping, too. It was a terrible windy day.

Sunday visitors and dinner guests were Stan, Blaine, and Carol. They left for home about 4:30. Such a busy weekend.

Stan took me to El Dorado for an eye appointment.

Michele, Eric, and Dylan picked me up Monday evening and we attended the elementary school spring concert at the Brown building at Peabody. Was so good! Mr. Glover and Ms. Ensey did a fabulous job and so did the kids.

We just got home from the concert and the storm moved in. Wow! I had 3 1/4 inches of rain and lots of wind.

The report is Bruce Sayers is doing better. Hope you get home soon, Bruce.

How about this weather? Rain, hail, and wind. Hope you all have a good week.
