

Contributing writer

Feb. 7-13

Ladies Aid met at Lavonne's Wednesday afternoon. Attending were Sherry Nightengale, Maude Gaines, and Dorene Kirkpatrick. We put in a new quilt.

LaVonne went to El Dorado Thursday to pick up her glasses. I went past Bill and Marie Clark's. They are both doing OK. Had a really good visit.

Maude Gaines and LaVonne went to Peabody Friday. They ate lunch at the senior center. We always enjoy the food and fellowship. Had a good attendance.

Friday evening, Sally and Myron Ammeter of Grand Island, Neb., arrived at the Ammeter farm to spend the weekend. Stan Ammeter joined them for dinner Saturday. Stan and Myron did lots of sonny-do jobs for LaVonne.

Sunday morning, Sally, Myron, and LaVonne went to pick up Opal Craney and we all went to church in Peabody at the Methodist church. They all went out to Opal's for lunch and to spend the day. Myron brought me home late in the afternoon.

Myron and Sally were overnight guests of Opal and took her to McPherson to the ear doctor. They left for Nebraska later in the afternoon.

Stan was a Sunday evening supper guest of LaVonne's.

Tuesday was a very miserable cold day. I went to the senior center potluck dinner at the Burns Community Building. Had a big turnout and a very good meeting.

LaVonne went to Peabody Tuesday afternoon to deliver cake to Legacy Park for a Valentine's Day party. I visited Aunt Nonie and Jessie Bayes.

How about this cold weather? I'm ready for a warm-up. Stay in and stay warm.
