

Contributing writer

Mike and Mary Sue Mayfield arrived Wednesday after visiting his sister in Manhattan. They brought Adria and Alexis Morgan from Great Bend to spend a couple of days.

Mike went to Wichita Thursday and Mary Sue and Adria went to Marion to visit Aunt Laura Branham in the nursing home. We had a fun evening watching a movie and playing games.

Friday morning we awoke to snow again. The girls and Mary Sue cleaned the sidewalk and played in the snow. Mike and I went to Peabody to deliver cake to Legacy Park. I visited Aunt Leona Widler. After lunch Mike and Mary Sue and the girls left for the Metz home at Wichita.

Late Friday evening Matt and Seyan Watts and Lydia of California and Katie Watts of Kansas City arrived to spend the night. Such a darling little Lydia. Sure did enjoy them. Saturday morning we all left for the Newton home of Bob and Mary Watts.

Later Mary Sue and Mike picked me up and we went to Wichita. Saturday evening Mary Sue, Mike, and I went to see "The Great Debate" at the Rockford Theater — a real good movie. We went back to Carolyn's for supper and to spend the night.

Shelly Harper arrived at Maude Gaines' Saturday morning to get ready for their Christmas. Maudie's Sunday dinner guests were Ronnie and Patti Gaines; Shelly Harper of Inman; Ben Harper of Manhattan; Zack Harper of Lawrence; Jean Ann Gaines of Holton; Vickie and Dick Gantz and boys and Sally and Jim Abel, all of Perry; Troy, Sarah, and Hannah Abel of Topeka; Dusty Gaines of Wichita; Ty, Kim, and Brooke Gaines of Madison; and Herb and Melinda Gaines of rural Cassoday. They report a great day.

Sunday all of Carolyn and Jack's family gathered for Christmas. Those attending were LaVonne; Mary Sue and Mike Mayfield of Lexington, Va.; Rose and George Watts of Agency, Mo.; Katie and Anna Watts of Kansas City; Amber, Cory, Alexis, Adria, and C. J. Morgan of Great Bend; Patricia and Toby Foster of Sand Springs, Okla.; Kevin, Jack, and Billie Foster, all of Oklahoma; Scott Foster home from Iraq for the holidays; and Jim, Kathy, Carly, and Bailey Holm of Wichita. Later in the afternoon sister Kathryn Ireland and Shirley Hess joined the group.

Katie and Anna Watts brought me home and Katie went back to Newton to spend the night with Grandma and Grandpa Watts. Anna stayed and spent the night. Katie came back Monday morning and George and Rose came and we had lunch before they left for home. Stan and Ty Frederickson and cousin Ron of Missouri stopped to visit in the morning.

I visited Maudie Monday afternoon.

We extend our sympathy and prayers to the family of Letha Hughes.
