75 years ago

(Florence Bulletin, Jan. 6, 1927)

There will be a big wolf hunt on Jan. 15 to take in a large acreage north and east of Florence. The south line will form at the O.K. Ranch under Captain Joe Ginavan. All hunters are asked to bring their shotguns and participate in the biggest hunt of the season.

People of Florence and surrounding community celebrated the coming of the New Year in fitting style last Friday evening. The Mayflower Theater secured a special program in "The Cohens and the Kellys," and Miss Clarice Gidding of Cedar Point rendered a fine vocal solo, accompanied by Joe Whitney on the Estey pipe organ, when "Love Me and I'll Live Forever" was given. The Masons opened their fine new hall for an invitation dance that evening, and a large crowd participated. At 12 o'clock the whistles sounded and fire crackers, guns and other noise-making paraphernalia were used in bringing those who retired early from their peaceful slumbers.

Specials at Ryan's Grocery Company: 13 pounds of cane sugar for $1, powdered sugar, 10 cents per pound, five pounds of lima beans for 50 cents, five pounds of Blue Rose Rice for 40 cents, five cans of Country Gentleman Corn for 65 cents, Mother's Oatmeal, 35 cents per package, Red McClure potatoes, 55 cents per peck, Kansas Best Flour, 48 pounds for $2.20.
