26 years ago
(Florence Bulletin, Jan. 8, 1976)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wyss Jr. proudly announce the birth of their first daughter, Tressa Dawn on Tuesday, Jan. 6 at Bethel Deaconess Hospital, Newton. Tressa weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shipman. Mr. and Mrs Richard Wyss Sr. are the paternal grandparents.
Sunday evening visitors of the Walter Irelands were Mr. and Mrs Gus Hamm and family of Tampa and Mr. and Mrs. John Padgett and family.
New Year's Day visitors in the Harold Huntley home were Mike Huntley of Newton and Mrs. Vickie Verscheldon and Brian of Walton.
Marion County Record |
Hillsboro Star-Journal |
Peabody Gazette-Bulletin |