• Last modified 3726 days ago (Dec. 10, 2014)


Yes, we moved


Staff writer

The Peabody Gazette-Bulletin office has moved out of the space it has occupied for almost 14 years in the back room of the former Jackrabbit Hollow building. The newspaper’s new digs will be in Flint Hills Gypsies at 111 N. Walnut St. – right next door south of the previous office space.

During the next few months the Jackrabbit Hollow building will become the Peabody Pedaler, with construction and remodeling beginning soon. Taking our office elsewhere during that time seemed a prudent thing to do, and the move was Thursday.

We still are ironing out a few glitches with internet service, but hope to be up and running soon. In the meantime, the newspaper email address,, will connect you to someone at the Marion County Record office who will be happy to help you. You may also call me at home, (620) 983-2771. There is an answering machine and I will return a call to you as soon as possible.

Flint Hills Gypsies has a mail slot just to the left of the front door, under the plate glass window. News items also may be slid through that slot and we will get your news into the next edition.

We appreciate the Flint Hills Gypsies staff accommodating our office and the intrusion into their space, but we assume they are pleased we’re not accompanied by a printing press.

In the meantime, the paper will come out weekly just as it always has and we will keep you apprised of our progress from inside the Gypsy camp.

Last modified Dec. 10, 2014