• Last modified 793 days ago (May 25, 2022)


Writer published in national magazines

Staff writer

Jennifer Hess of Marion has had articles published in national magazines for several years.

Her latest is a vintage camper story that will appear in the June-July issue of Country Woman.

She wrote it two years ago after a visit to Elk Falls.

“I never know when the articles I submit will be published,” she said.

She was notified Monday that Country magazine had published a story she wrote about Maxwell Wildlife Refuge as a Kansas hidden gem.

She also was informed that an article she wrote about her own experience will be in the July-August issue of Angels on Earth, a bimonthly Guideposts publication that contains articles by people of all ages, races, and backgrounds, recounting how their faith or the wisdom of an older relative or mentor has helped them through personal challenges. 

Hess’s story began when she divorced her husband for domestic violence and moved to Marion as a single mom with three children.

She related how she coped with challenges and went from being fearful to strong.

Her grandparents, the Les Broadstreets, owned the house she moved into.

It needed repairs. She lived on a limited budget and learned how to fix things herself.

It took a year to write her story as she worked through issues she faced and finally was able to talk about ithem.

“It was a personal triumph,” she said. “I hope it will help others who are in a similar situation.

“Getting published in Guideposts was a big deal. That’s been at the top of my totem pole for a while.”

Last modified May 25, 2022