• Last modified 2171 days ago (March 7, 2019)


World Day of Prayer observed

Women from four Marion churches attended Friday’s World Day of Prayer at Valley United Methodist Church.

Ellie Whiteman was a special guest with her grandmother, Ann Carr, and great-grandmother, Janet Bryant.

Margaret Wilson, Bryant, Mary Ford, Carr, Helen Reznicek, Jan Helmer, Connie Fisher, Judy Priest, Karen Egts, Iris Blackketter, and Margaret Pickering participated in the theme, “Come, Everything is Ready.”

Lydia Gates was pianist and Sue Clough was song leader. Clough also sang a solo.

Judy Priest read the words to the Singing Nun’s song, “The Wedding Banquet,” and led the group in an unplanned sing-along. Church Women United celebrations often feature unexpected additions such as this.

Last modified March 7, 2019