• Last modified 2053 days ago (July 2, 2019)



Wichita rescue mission toured

Wonsevu correspondent

Doni Rogers had lunch in Wichita June 20 and toured a new rescue mission there. She stopped to visit friends in El Dorado.

Janet Cress and Letha Goering visited their sister, Julia Ritter, June 21 at Marquette.

The community mourned the death June 18 of Wilma Jean Everett, who for many years was a member of the Wonsevu Ladies Aid.

Dale and Tootsie Snelling and Bill and Margie Williams had supper June 21 at a Florence restaurant and later attended visitation for Wilma Everett in Marion.

Weekend visitors of the Snellings included Mark and Leann Lewman and Levi of Sedgwick.

John and Denise Lang drove June 23 to Marion County Lake.Lorene Magathan, Anna Voelker, Sue Clough, and Margie Williams met for pie and coffee June 21.

Bill and Margie Williams met Gary and Terry Williams for breakfast June 22 at a Florence restaurant.

Last modified July 2, 2019