Wonsevu News
Voelkers celebrate 50th anniversary
Wonsevu correspondent
Tootsie Snelling, Denise Lang, Lorena Magathan, Sue Clough and Margie Williams honored Anna and Lew Voelker on their 50th anniversary Nov. 8 with a cake, flowers, and a gift certificate.
Johnny Lang and Jessica Alberts of Towanda were guests of John and Denise Lang on Nov. 8. They went to the Kansas Star for crab legs.
Mark and Leann Lewman and Levi of Sedgwick were guests of Dale and Tootsie Snelling on Nov. 8 and 9. Danny Snelling and Seth of Marion visited Nov. 10.
Tootsie Snelling, Leann Lewman, Tammy Snelling, and Margie Sandwell went to an arts and crafts show in Salina Nov. 9.
Gary Williams, Gayla Soyez, and great-granddaughter Samyia of Goddard visited Bill and Margie Williams Nov. 5. Gary and Terry Williams of Goddard were dinner guests Nov. 7. Carl and Becca Williams, Sadie, Lucy, and Theodore of Wamego visited Nov. 10.