• Last modified 2116 days ago (April 25, 2019)


WONSEVU: Visitors from Strong City brighten a day

Wonsevu Correspondent

Thursday guests of John and Denise Long and Lang and Johnny were Jessica, Dustin, Maddox and Dana and Daxton from Strong City. Their grandchildren Dana and Daxton spent Thursday and Friday night with John, Denise and Johnny.

Jessica and Dustin visited Saturday and Dana and Daxton returned home with them.

Dale and Tootsie Snelling went to Lindsborg Friday evening to attend a track meet and see their granddaughter Emily Hess participate.

Dale and Tootsie went to Marion’s prom night promenade Saturday to see their daughter Emma Hess in her gown.

Bill and Margie Williams visited their son and daughter-in-law Gary and Terry Williams at Goddard Saturday and went to Cheddars for lunch.

On Sunday Bill and Margie met grandchildren Carl, Becca Williams, Sadie, Lucy and Theodore from Wamego at Town and Country for lunch.

Last modified April 25, 2019