WONSEVU: Snellings return from trip
Wonsevu correspondent
Dale, Tootsie, and Dean Snelling recently returned from a 10-day bus trip through nine states, three national parks, Las Vegas, and San Francisco.
They took a boat to Alcatraz Island and the Golden Gate Bridge.
Pat Sauble is doing better and would like people to visit him.
John and Denise Lang’s daughters, Jessica Maddox of Strong City and Jaimie Lang of Emporia, visited them Sunday to celebrate Johnny’s birthday.
Denise Lang met Lorena Magathan, Anna Voelker, Sue Clough, and Margie Williams in Florence for pie and coffee Friday.
Dale and Tootsie Snelling and Bill and Margie Williams ate breakfast Friday in Strong City.
Dana and Daxton Maddox of Strong City stayed overnight Friday and Saturday with their grandparents, John and Denise Lang.
Denise Lang and Tootsie Snelling ate lunch together Thursday in Florence.
Johnny Lang traveled to western Kansas for the wedding of friends July 21.
Lenorra Magathan, Anna Voelker, Sue Clouth, and Margie Williams met at a local restaurant for coffee and pie.
John Lang visited Bill Williams on July 21, bringing catfish cleaned and ready to cook.
Gary Williams from Goddard and Carl Williams from Wamego visited Bill and Margie Williams on July 22. Carl later visited Bill and Margie Williams at home.
Last modified Aug. 2, 2018