WONSEVU: Snellings celebrate Fourth early
Wonsevu correspondent
Afternoon and evening guests of Dale and Tootsie Snelling for an early 4th of July celebration June 30 were Brandon and Breanna Lespagnard, Kinsley and Aubrey of Greenwood, Missouri; Danny and Tammy Snelling, Seth and friend Shelby of Marion; Dean Snelling of Goessel; Adam and Tristen Cope of Lincolnville; and Mark and LeAnn Lewman and Levi of Sedgwick. They had a cookout and watched fireworks.
The Dale Snellings and Bill Williamses had lunch June 26 at a restaurant in Emporia.
Janet Cress and her sister, Letha Goering, had lunch June 28 in Hillsboro.
Doni Rodgers and Dale and Tootsie Snelling attended Bill and Margie Williams’ 65th wedding anniversary celebration June 24 at the community building in Burns.
Grandson Carl Williams of Wamego visited the Bill Williamses’ on July 1.
Last modified July 12, 2018