WONSEVU: Rogers spends time with friends
Wonsevu correspondent
Doni Rogers visited friends in El Dorado on Aug. 23 and went with friends to Manhattan on Aug. 24. She and Janice Johnston ate lunch at the hotel on Aug. 25. That evening, Rogers went to a friend’s birthday party for her daughter in Lincolnville.
Janet Cress and Shannon attended an 80th birthday party in Newton on Aug. 25 for Shannon’s father-in-law.
Son Dean Snelling and family of Goessel were overnight guests Aug. 25 of Dale and Tootsie Snelling. They all ate supper in Florence.
Bill and Margie Williams met their son-in-law Will Soyez for lunch Aug. 25 in Florence to celebrate his birthday.
Lorena Magathan, Anna Voelker, Sue Clough, and Margie Williams met in Florence on Aug. 24 for pie and coffee.
Last modified Sept. 6, 2018