Relatives and friends get together
Relatives and friends get together
Wonsevu correspondent
Brandon Cress of Pittsburg visited his mother, Janet Cress, on Feb. 23 and 24.
Doni Rogers and some other friends took Nancy Griffin to the Grand Hotel in Cottonwood Falls to celebrate her birthday.
The Snellings, Lew and Anna Voelker, and Bill and Margie Williams met in Florence on Feb. 23 to celebrate Sue Clough’s birthday. Sue wasn’t able to be there, so everyone shared the cake, and Anna took some to Sue.
Dale and Tootsie Snelling visited Dale’s brother, Duane Snelling, in El Dorado on Feb. 25. Later that day, they visited Danny and Tammy Snelling in Marion for a belated birthday celebration for Danny.
Guests of Bill and Margie Williams on Feb. 25 were Gary Williams of Goddard and Carl Williams and Sadie of Wamego.
Last modified March 9, 2018