WONSEVU: Proud grandparents attend kids' events
Wonsevu correspondent
Dale and Tootsie Snelling attended a Mother’s Day party in Goessel that hosts Lynn and Kent Mai also used as a birthday party for daughters Elly and Lilly.
The Snellings went to a track meet in Sterling where granddaughter Emmy Hess qualified to go to state in hurdles, long jump, and the 4-by-100-meter relay. They also visited Dale’s brother, Duane Snelling, in El Dorado after church May 18.
Janet Cress had dinner Mother’s Day weekend with Dave and Shealah West in Newton.
Bill and Margie Williams went to Wamego with Gary and Terry Williams to see great- granddaughter Sadie Williams graduate in cap and gown from preschool. They also traveled to Manhattan to see her in a dance recital.
Mother’s Day, the two couples had lunch in Florence. Gary also met Bill and Margie for lunch May 18 in Wichita.
Lorena Magathan, Anna Voelker, Sue Clough, and Margie Williams met for cake and coffee May 18 in Florence.
Last modified May 31, 2018