• Last modified 2338 days ago (Sept. 20, 2018)


WONSEVU: Langs celebrate granddaughter's birthday

Wonsevu correspondent

John and Denise Lang and Johnny visited Jessica Maddox, Dana, and Daxton of Strong City on Sept. 11 to celebrate Dana’s 11th birthday.

Jennifer Breese and Georgia, and Anita Lespagnard of Haysville visited Dale and Tootsie Snelling on Sept. 9.

Doni Rogers met friends in Cottonwood Falls for lunch Sept. 8.

The Snellings ate breakfast in Strong City and lunch in Florence on Sept. 7.

Gayla and Will Soyez and Samiah spent time with Margie Williams on Sept. 5 while she underwent tests in a Wichita hospital.

Billy Williams spent the night Sept. 5 with Gary and Terry Williams of Goddard.

Last modified Sept. 20, 2018