Wonsevu News
Correspondent welcomes great-grandson
Wonsevu News
Correspondent welcomes great-grandson
Wonsevu correspondent
Janet Cress visited her sister Letha Goering of Marion along with Letha’s daughter Courtney from Austin, Texas on March 17.
Bill and Margie Williams visited Carl and Becca Williams, Sadie, Lucy, and Theodore Ray at Wamego on March 18. Our new little great-grandson, Theodore Ray was born March 15. We were very excited to see him!
Doni Rogers went to a friend’s funeral Monday then went on to stay overnight with her cousin in Burdette.
Sunday afternoon, Doni went to the luncheon at St. Anthony’s to benefit the Turner family. That evening we went to Emporia to celebrate Mary’s birthday and see the movie “I Can Only imagine”.
Last modified March 28, 2018