• Last modified 2122 days ago (April 17, 2019)


Wind farm opponents speak again

Staff writer

Opponents of a proposed wind farm spanning from Florence to Aulne to north of Peabody once again showed up at county commission meeting to ask for a moratorium on wind farm development.

“What it comes down to, I think, is money,” said Hillsboro resident David Marsh. “If you have a moratorium, it will buy you time.”

He said other counties have extended the time allowed for protest of wind farm zoning decisions.

Peabody farmer Randy Eintzen said he meant no disrespect, but said he believes landowners who have spoken against the proposal have not been taken seriously. He seconded the call for a moratorium.

“What we need is time to try to get through those issues, to figure out how we’re going to get through this,” Eintzen said.

Eintzen, who last week told commissioners that landowners have become hostile toward each other, predicted lawsuits will be filed from different angles if a conditional use permit is granted for National Renewable Solutions Expedition Wind Farm.

“If you don’t do the right thing, we’re about to put the hammer down,” Eintzen said.

Eintzen said after the meeting that hostility continues between neighbors. Last week he told commissioners his cattle gates had been left open and people are worried that something else will happen.

NRS turned in its CUP request to the planning and zoning department March 28.

Last modified April 17, 2019