• Last modified 2387 days ago (Aug. 2, 2018)


Wind farm agrees to pay

Staff writer

A payment in lieu of taxes agreement signed Tuesday by county commissioners and Diamond Vista wind farm will yield an annual donation of $900 per megawatt to the county.

Pat Hughes, attorney for the county in contracts with the wind farm, told commissioners the estimated donation, considering an anticipated 300-megawatt output, is $270,000. That amount will be adjusted for money the wind farm pays in expenses.

“The county will receive at least $100,000 per year,” Hughes said.

PILOT agreements are made because the wind farm doesn’t pay property taxes for 10 years.

In other matters, commissioners:

  • Vacated a 520-foot section of Remington Rd. north of 80th Rd.
  • Attached a section of land to Rural Water District #4.
  • Approved Tri-County Telephone to install fiber optics on both sides of the intersection of 340th and Kanza Rds.
  • Heard updates from road and bridge supervisor Jesse Hamm, attorney Susan Robson on the status of tax sale properties, health department administrator Diedre Serene, department on aging administrator Gayla Ratzlaff, treasurer Jeannine Bateman.
  • Listened to an offer from Hillsboro resident Glenn Ratzlaff to sell the county fishing tackle at a reduced rate, but took no action.

Last modified Aug. 2, 2018