• Last modified 2404 days ago (July 12, 2018)


Wilson named city clerk

Staff writer

Peabody is getting its fifth city clerk in 19 months, and this one is a familiar face.

After two executive sessions, City Council members voted last week to hire council member Travis Wilson’s wife, Jylle, as clerk.

The vote July 2 was 4-0, with Travis Wilson abstaining.

Wilson has been Peabody’s municipal court clerk and police secretary for the past 2½ years.

She agreed to take the new position with the understanding that she would help find a suitable replacement for the court and police position.

“I’m looking forward to being down at the city office,” she said. “I really want to make a difference to better the city.”

Mayor Larry Larsen said Wilson will be trained this week in the city office this week in QuickBooks to do the city’s payroll.

The court/police secretary position will be advertised immediately.

“Jylle and Chief Burke will assist with interviews for the new position,” Larson said.

Burke said he was sad to lose her.

“She’s done a great job in the clerk/secretary position,” he said.

Last modified July 12, 2018