• Last modified 2081 days ago (Nov. 14, 2018)


Weather means alternative plans

Staff writer

Goessel farmer Dwight M. Flaming has farmed the land he grew up on since 1983.

“It’s my home place and it’s been in our family forever, back in the 1800s,” Flaming said.

He raises wheat, corn, and soybeans. Thursday, however, snow put him to work on other tasks.

“I’m working in the office, doing office work and trying to get caught up,” Flaming said.

Flaming said he has soybeans in the field and needs to get them harvested. It will take several days to harvest the rest of the crop.

“I’ve been fighting mud and couldn’t get into the field,” he said. “We’ve got plenty to go.”

There is a big risk with soybeans because the bean pod can open and spill the beans onto the ground when the plant goes through a wetting and drying cycle, Flaming said. Additionally, too much moisture can itself make the beans lose quality.

When weather keeps him inside, he doesn’t twiddle his thumbs or pore over seed catalogues, though. He does office work, takes care of his duties as treasurer of his church, or works on machinery.

“There’s always a lot to do,” Flaming said.

Last modified Nov. 14, 2018