• Last modified 2157 days ago (March 13, 2019)


Verizon proposes new cell tower

Staff writer

A proposal to build a 129-foot monopole telecommunications tower at Commercial and Forest Sts. is being considered by Marion planning and zoning commission.we

According to city administrator Roger Holter, the plan is for a Verizon Wireless tower expected to provide dominant service to the area. When the Marion cell site is built, it is expected to improve area cell phone service. It is in anticipation of providing 5G service to the area, Holter said.

Although no spokesman for Verizon could be reached, the company website states that 5G service allows quicker downloads and improved network reliability.

“The new one will be the dominant provider for the area,” Holter said. “They are going to offload the existing cell site 2½ miles northwest of the city on the north side of US-56.”

Holter said the proposal has gone through planning and zoning and board of zoning appeals, and is now in the protest stage.

If the proposal is forwarded to city council for formal approval, it will be considered March 23, Holter said. The last time a cell phone tower was considered for installation in Marion, the city denied the application based on the tower’s height. Changes in state law mean cities have less power to deny applications based on height, Holter said.

Last modified March 13, 2019