• Last modified 2198 days ago (Feb. 7, 2019)


VALENTINE'S DAY: Being together is their greatest pleasure

Staff writer

What greater love could a girlfriend have for a veterinarian boyfriend than to go out on calls with him at all hours of the day and night to watch him deliver calves and treat livestock?

That is what Hallie Novak did during a three-year courtship by Robert “Doc” Novak of Lost Springs.

Hallie learned to know him while working as a dental assistant at Harry and Richard Mosier’s office in Herington.

After the animal doctor finally got the courage to ask her for a date, the 19-year-old started going on calls with him.

“I enjoyed being with him,” Hallie said. “What he was doing was so interesting. I loved him from the very beginning.”

They will be married 60 years in November and are still in love.

Before acquiring a pickup, Doc used a car to get around. The circumstances often were difficult, such as winter weather, bad roads, and unlit cattle lots.

She bought him a stainless steel bucket one Christmas to replace plastic buckets that were easily destroyed when animals kicked or stepped into them. She also bought a spotlight to attach to his car to use for light when treating animals.

They enjoyed great conversation while traveling together. They liked going to Pilsen dances and card games.

After three years of dating and always being on call, Bob finally decided they should get married.

“If you can’t handle this, we had better quit,” he told Hallie.

She decided she could handle it. In fact, she loved it. They were married in November 1959.

Their first home was part of a barracks Bob purchased from the former Herington Air Base. He established it close to the home place southwest of Lost Springs. The couple lived there until 1970, when they built a new home and clinic west of Lost Springs on 340th Rd.

“We’ve had many happy years here,” Hallie said.

They learned to know all the farmers in the northern part of the county and became fond of their friends at Pilsen.

“The Czech people are friendly people,” Bob said. “I have a lot of regard for them.”

The couple raised three daughters. Hallie and the girls enjoyed helping Bob in the animal clinic.

“They love their father dearly,” Hallie said, “And I do, too. He’s special. I couldn’t have married a nicer man.”

One of the couple’s highlights was a trip to Europe to visit Bob’s grandparents’ home place.

Bob quit his large animal practice in 2005 but continued with small animals. He now is semi-retired and has a limited practice.

Spending time together is still their greatest pleasure.

“It’s been a grand time,” Hallie said. “We enjoy being together. We think the same about many things. We’re both in it and we both love it.”

“She’s been my right arm,” Bob added. “I think she is top of the world.”

Last modified Feb. 7, 2019