• Last modified 2339 days ago (Sept. 12, 2018)


Tree trimming on horizon

News editor

Peabody’s tree-trimming ordinance has not been followed in recent years and the issue of enforcement is on the Sept. 24 city council meeting agenda.

The ordinance requires the homeowner be responsible, at their own expense, to keep trees trimmed to 16 feet above streets and 8 feet above driveways and sidewalks.

If the issue passes, owners whose trees are not in compliance will receive a letter with a compliance date.

A $10 annual lease was approved to allow Affordable Street Rods to place a sign at 9th and Locust Sts.

A quit claim deed for property sold by the city in 2009 contained incorrect information and was re-recorded with the county, said city clerk Jylle Wilson.

At the last council meeting, it was decided not to pay Marion County Community Economic Development Corp. for 2018 dues nor commit to 2019 funding. In lieu of MCCEDC services, Mayor Larry Larsen wants to call a meeting with members of Peabody Main Street to identify expectations and discuss hiring a part-time administrator.

“Together, we can all go forward,” Larsen said.

Last modified Sept. 12, 2018