division cases
The following information has been filed in traffic division of Marion County District Court. Dollar amounts are fine and costs:
Kimberly N. Avery, speed; $110.
John K. Burgat, speed; $116.
Richard W. Busenitz, speed; $152.
Sidney M. Childers, failure to yield at stop or yield sign; $146.
Benjamin P. Fritsch, speed; $152.
Rosendo Hernandez Garcia, driving under influence of alcohol or drugs; $781.
Johnny R. Howard, speed; $116.
Jimmy J. Kellogg, speed; $116.
Ashley M. Lundblom, speed; $116.
Otto R. Quiring, speed, failure to wear seatbelt; $146.
Mary A. Roots, speed; $116.
Whitney M. Sechler, following another vehicle too closely, failure to wear seatbelt; $176.
Jesse D. Sexton, speed; $140.
David Scott Smith, speed; $116.
Heather L. Spaich, speed; $281.
William R. Thimm, speed; $128.
Zachery L. Totten, speed; $116.
Terry G. Weber, speed; $116.
Peter A. Willms, speed; $116.
Lori N. Wilson, speed; $128.