This information was filed last week in traffic division of district court. All fines include court costs. If no address listed, no address was available on court records.
Michael A. Alqassimi, El Paso, Texas, speeding (91 mph in a 65 mph zone) May 10, 2017, $267.
Swedi Bitendlo, Manhattan, speeding (91/65) March 31, $267.
Anthony W. Brant, speeding (91/65) Feb. 22, $267.
Debora L. Cox, speeding (75/65) March 9, $153.
Calris C. Daum, Peabody, unsafe starting of stopped vehicle March 28, $153.
William Lee Hulcy, Garnett, speeding (82/65) March 25, $195.
Kyle L. Kessler, Tucson, Arizona, speeding (90/65) April 22, $258.
Brian J. Kimbrough, Newton, speeding (73/65) $201.
Bonnie S. Mendoza, Durham, speeding (70/55) March 21, $183.
Logan B. Morgan, speeding (80/65) March 21, $183.
Robert C. Mossman, Tucson, Arizona, speeding (81/65) March 11, $189.
Jonathan Justus Orson Neymour, Hillsboro, speeding (65/55) April 3, $153.
Cameron J. Niemtschk, Dallas, Texas, speeding (80/65) April 15, $183.
Kayla M. Page, Peabody, speeding (84/55) April 28, $294.
Jared A. Sackett, Kechi, speeding (83/65) March 18, $201.
David A. Shank, St. Peters, Missouri, speeding (81/65) and driving on the left side of roadway March 8, $264.
Kenneth T. Sly, Mesa, Arizona, speeding (92/65) April 2, $276.
Jerry P. Walsh, speeding (79/65) April 12, $177.
Olivia Q. Wilkerson, Overland Park, speeding (90/65) May 7, $258.
Last modified May 24, 2018