This information was filed in the traffic division of Marion County District Court. All fines include court costs.
Shaigne Q. Adams, Wichita, March 26, 2012, speeding (102 mph in a 65 mph zone), $479.
Bradley L. Bailey, Lehigh, April 12, failure to wear seatbelt, $10.
John M. Bradley, Scott City, Oct. 24, operate a motor vehicle without a valid license and failure to wear seatbelt, $118.
Robert Edward Carlyle, Dillard, Ore., March 26, speeding (93 in a 65), $275.
Russell E. Circle, April 14, speeding, $143.
Lucas John Hopwood, Wichita, April 14, speeding (80 in a 65), $173.
Kelsey N. Obannon, Emporia, Feb. 3, speeding (87 in a 65), deferred adjudication, $221.
John F. Thurlow, March 31, speeding (74 in a 65), deferred adjudication, $143.