Traffic cases
This information was filed in the traffic division of Marion County District Court. All fines include court costs.
Ebony C.B. Anderson, Monroe, La., Aug. 15, speeding, $257.
Tyson R. Beisel, Oak Creek, Wis., Aug. 8, failure to wear seatbelt, disposed due to failure to appear, $10.
Chad A. Bird, Wichita, Oct. 7, speeding, $143.
Lance M. Bowley, McPherson, Aug. 4, failure to wear seatbelt, disposed due to failure to appear, $91.
Chipo Mwisa Chibende, Grand Prairie, Texas, Sept. 24, speeding, $191.
Amy R. Dougherty, Fort Riley, Aug. 9, speeding, $230.
Wesley Devon Dukes, Wichita, Aug. 2, speeding, disposed due to failure to appear, $293.
Courtney H. Fisher, Wichita, May 5, speeding, $224.
Bryce T. Garver, Basehor, Aug. 24, speeding, deferred adjudication, $179.
Samuel S. Hong, Manhattan, Sept. 24, speeding, $295.
Elizabeth R. Johnson, Newton, July 24, failure to yield at stop or yield sign, disposed due to failure to appear, $254.
Elizabeth Ann Kezar, Derby, Sept. 7, speeding, deferred adjudication, $248.
Brett S. Lovett, Wichita, Aug. 15, speeding, $143.
Clifton W. Montgomery, Napoleon, Mo., Aug 13, motor carrier safety rules and regulations, $213.
Shana N. Richardson, Overland Park, Aug. 15, speeding, disposed due to failure to appear, $224.
Cameron R. Smith, Lebo, Aug. 24, speeding, deferred adjudication, $179.
Brittney K. Stewart, Manhattan, Aug. 4, speeding, $191.
John R. Teeple, Overland Park, Oct. 19, speeding, $143.
Last modified Nov. 1, 2012