Traffic cases
This information has been filed in traffic division .Fines include court costs.
Dennis L. Denlinger, June 9, speeding, $161.
Nhat Q. Dinh, June 15, speeding, $174.
Jon E. Giese, June 17, failure to yield at stop or yield sign, $180.
Tonya L. Gilliland, June 4, failure to yield at stop or yield sign, $173.
Todd E. Hendrickson, June 17, speeding, $143.
Julie Ann Ingham, June 29, speeding, $173.
Matthew S. Judson, May 30, speeding, $143.
Kelsey Renee McCorkle, June 17, speeding, $173.
Judy S. Mills, July 3, speeding, $143.
Michael R. Mitchell, July 8, speeding, $179.
Angela C. Parks, June 24, speeding, $143.
Jenell L. Puett, June 15, speeding, $185.
Ithan S. Schneider, May 15, speeding, $428.
Lynsey A. Stacks, June 30, speeding, $248.
Shane M. Westmoland, June 17, speeding, $191.
Jason D. Wingert, June 13, speeding, $173.
Last modified July 26, 2012