division cases
The following information has been filed in the traffic division of Marion County District Court:
Jennifer J. S. Bedell-Vrana, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Daniel C. Berkowitz, speed; fine and costs, $183.
Victor L. Buckner, speed; fine and costs, $141.
LyKinda Y. Curtis, violation of child passenger safety; fine and costs, $135.
Wendy L. Jost, speed; fine and costs, $105.
David W. Meadors, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Keymo Rashod Pearson, speed; fine and costs, $105.
Ronald E. Prenzel, speed; fine and costs, $159.
Neftaly Vargas, speed; fine and costs, $246.
Daniel K. Wiebe, speed; fine and costs, $135.