• Last modified 2551 days ago (Feb. 22, 2018)


Teen substance abuse, destructive behaviors, get increased scrutiny

Group marshals support for state program

Staff writer

In an effort to help parents guide their children through their teen-age years, Marion County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition is joining “It Matters,” a statewide campaign to promote positive choices.

It Matters addresses alcohol abuse, marijuana use, prescription drug abuse, suicide prevention, and problem gambling.

According to Ashlee Gann, It Matters is an educational statewide campaign that provides local community coalitions with materials focused on prevention.

The coalition plans to publish campaign ads in newspapers that target parents and families of students.

“The coalition completed one billboard which is located near the K-15 and Hwy 56 intersection coming into Hillsboro,” she said. “Our plan is to finish that project by either putting up new billboards or renting space on existing billboards located on frequently traveled roadways throughout the county.”

According to a report presented at a Jan. 30 meeting, the coalition has $14,305.10 on hand from the county special alcohol tax, $500 in a town hall fund, and $7,506.76 in a billboard fund.

More information is available at

Attendees approved a $200 donation to The Hub in Peabody for a New Year’s Eve party.

“That was a great example of appropriate funding for SAPC,” Gann said.

The group approved $500 donations to each of the five county school districts’ after-prom committees.

“We are happy to support the after-prom committees and are eternally grateful for their hard work to provide a safe and fun environment for students after prom,” Gann said.

Hillsboro police officer Jessey Hiebert suggested the group could donate money for new roadside breathalyzers and booklets for student presentations.

Last modified Feb. 22, 2018