• Last modified 2152 days ago (March 28, 2019)


Survey on lake use developed for county

KSU questions residents on their use of lake, some causes of pollution

Staff writer

A survey on Marion County Park and Lake is being finalized as part of a Kansas State University study.

County commissioners, tired of lake residents’ disputes over blue-green algae outbreaks and lake cleanup efforts, turned to KSU a year ago to study the lake as part of a Natural Resources and Environmental Studies project.

On Monday, commissioners reviewed an early draft of a survey to be sent to county residents and lake users. The survey asks what their relationship to the lake is, how often they use the lake, whether they own property next to the lake, what water sports they enjoy there, their perception of public risks at the lake, the cause of pollution, and how they believe grass should be maintained along the bank.

It also asks how they perceive the wild geese population, and how they feel about pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths and wasps.

Commissioner Randy Dallke said people surveyed should include a variety of user groups such as people who own mobile homes at the lake as well as county residents and people who live at the lake.

Commission chairman Kent Becker asked if a percentage of county residents would be sent surveys.

The survey will be finished and a final report will be sent to commissioners later.

Last modified March 28, 2019