• Last modified 665 days ago (April 13, 2023)


Surplus plus

County auction offers surprising finds

Staff writer

An auction Friday of county surplus will offer both expected and unexpected items.

Auction-goers could get set up for beauty treatments, boating at the lake, having an ice cream party, displaying or storing clothing, being a seamstress, starting a photography hobby, or giving a sermon at home.

Among the more unusual items to be offered are a tanning bed and tanning booth, five hair salon work stations with mirrors, and two pedicure spas.

County clerk Tina Spencer said the beauty equipment came from items left behind in a former salon building the county bought for $160,000 last June with the idea of moving the health department there.

The county later decided to use the building for road and bridge, emergency management, and planning and zoning department offices.

Also to be sold are seven dress molds, two clothing racks, and a portable wardrobe from the same building.

Boating enthusiasts could bid on 50 new children’s life jackets and five new adult life jackets.

An antique library table, two ice cream parlor end tables, a 16-foot church pew, and digital cameras also will be sold.

General office equipment from county offices include locking lateral file cabinets, various styles of desks, two floor buffers, several small tables, wooden cabinets, rolling carts, chairs, shelving units, rolling tables, a typewriter stand, two-drawer filing cabinets, three-drawer rolling file cabinets, two copiers, several printers, a fax machine, a cash register, computers, a steel raffle drum, paper shredders, office cubicle dividers, voting boxes, antique steel file drawers, a small safe, old wooden panel doors, a display shelf, an electric fireplace, office supplies, keyboards, monitors, and printer ink.

The auction will be conducted at 6.m. Friday at the former salon, 1240 Commercial St., Marion.

Early viewing will begin at noon.

Purchases must be paid for that evening.

More information is available by calling (620) 323-0249 or (620) 323-0347.

Last modified April 13, 2023