• Last modified 724 days ago (Jan. 25, 2023)


Student accused of rape

Staff writer

A Hillsboro High School senior charged with rape, aggravated criminal sodomy, and aggravated sexual battery was arrested Jan. 18 in Lehigh.

Abrey A. Nichols, 18, a lineman on the Trojan football team, was arrested in the 200 block of E. Main St. in Lehigh on a Mitchell County warrant.

He was released Thursday on a $30,000 surety bond and is scheduled to appear Feb. 15 in Mitchell County court.

Hillsboro High School principal Tyler Weinbrenner did not respond to an email asking whether Nichols was being allowed to classes at the high school.

According to charges filed against Nichols, a 16-year-old alleged victim was overcome by force or fear during the Dec. 26 incident.

Beloit police chief Dave Elam did not respond to an open records request seeking a copy of the front page of the offense report. The page is an open record under state law.

Mitchell County Attorney Mark Noah also would not discuss whether the incident occurred in a private residence or elsewhere and whether Nichols and the alleged victim knew one another.

Noah said he might speak about the case after Nichols’s first appearance in court.

Nichols’ bond has standard conditions. He is to obey all laws; remain in the state; attend all court appearances; refrain from using substances that alter his mood; not enter bars, taverns, or liquor stores; submit to testing for use of alcohol or drugs if asked by police or the court; maintain employment if requested by the court; and have no contact with the alleged victim.

Last modified Jan. 25, 2023