• Last modified 1402 days ago (April 8, 2021)


Sow, sow, sow your crop . . .

Staff writer

Warm weather has meant an early start for corn planting this spring as area farmers have rushed to get their crop in the ground.

“We were busy last week and so far this week we have been really busy,” Ag Services agent Shane Hennigh said.

The company has moved the same amount of corn seed this year as this past year, but most farmers start around April 15.

“I think we’ve got almost every grower mostly done,” he said.

Jeff Youk, seed manager with Cooperative Grain and Supply in Hillsboro, said many get going around April 1.

Many would be trying to get ahead of the rain that was forecast for Tuesday night and early this morning, he said.

“As of today probably half of the farmers in the area are planting,” he said.

Todd Krispense and his family were out Monday evening sowing 100 acres with corn in a field west of Marion.

“I am planting about the same as normal,” he said. “I plan to plant about 1,000 acres in corn. We have a rotation and I try not to alter our acres too much,” he said.

County extension agent Rickey Roberts predicted farmers will plant more acres corn and beans this year, if prices and trends hold.

“My suspicion is that it will increase again,” he said. “But that’s just a suspicion on my part.”

The rest of the week looks dry and seasonable with temperatures in the 40s and scattered showers expected today.

Krispense is hoping price predictions will prove right.

“I like a profit this year,” Krispense said. “But I know the Lord will provide.”

Last modified April 8, 2021