• Last modified 451 days ago (Nov. 22, 2023)


Sheriff’s Durango
to be fixed after all

Staff writer

The sheriff’s office won’t have to spend $10,600 to replace an engine that failed on a Durango after all.

Midway Motors has said it will replace the engine under warranty.

Two weeks ago, Sheriff Jeff Soyez told county commissioners the dealership would not honor the Durango’s 100,000-mile warranty because the vehicle had been driven with a disconnected oil cooler hose.

The Durango was purchased new and has 62,420 miles on it. Midway Motors general manager Gabe Goering said after the meeting that he would personally contact Chrysler to plead for the repair to be covered.

“We went to Chrysler and really pleaded the case on behalf of reconsidering the original decision,” Goering said Tuesday. “We went about the repair through another channel. The emergency vehicles are important — that’s actually the channel.”

Soyez told commissioners he was ordering a 2004 Ford Expedition.

In other business Monday, he also continues to look for applicants for four empty deputy positions. A full contingent of deputies is nine.

Commissioner also:

  • Heard that the sheriff’s office will postpone planned purchase of drones because the ones he had planned to purchase might not be available to import from China.
  • Discussed potential rules and regulations for the county lake.
  • Heard from lake superintendent Isaac Hett about a dog bite in a residential area just north of the lake. Although deputies responded to the incident, a lack of dog ordinances meant deputies could take no action. Hett asked whether commissioners could adopt an ordinance to address dog bites. County counsel Brad Jantz said the issue might better be resolved with zoning.

Last modified Nov. 22, 2023